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Re: How big is a troopship? [DS/FT/SG2] (and what it all means)

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 20:27:27 -0400
Subject: Re: How big is a troopship? [DS/FT/SG2] (and what it all means)

Brian Burger wrote:
> I've read stuff that indicates that using nukes to 'dig' spherical
> underground water reseviors was seriously considered by various
people, in
> the US and the USSR. Scary stuff - this is all from before the notion
> lingering radioactivity was around...

Are you kidding, I've known competant engineers who still think nukes
some construction projects are desirable and LESS environmentally
than the alternatives.

Nuclear power and explosives are avoided not because they are more
than the alternatives, they are avoided because the public has replaced
the word demon with the word nuclear.

I would be willing to bet that if the US were invaded by hordes of
BEMs that the US public would be more than happy to see tac-nukes on US


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