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Re: Adding PDS and automated vehicle defenses to SG2.

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 22:15:01 +1200
Subject: Re: Adding PDS and automated vehicle defenses to SG2.

Brian wrote:
> Reactive armour in SG2 - don't know. Extra d8 or something to defend
against GMS, plus a d6 attack on ALL targets within 2"? Here's an idea
- one of the list's propeller head math nuts please work out exactly
how much (as %) having reactive armour in ds2 reduces GMS damage. Then
work back into SG2, and figure out which dice would give roughly the
same %... I know people have done damage breakdowns (statistics stuff)
for DS2 - anyone done similar for SG2 and want to combine the two? (I
wouldn't even know where to start, honestly...) d8 sounds 'right',

Here's the DSII effectiveness for IAVR, GMS & SLAM:

Armour		Eff.
------------	----
- Normal:		 75%
- Ablative:		 75%
- Reactive:		 50%
- Active:		 25%	- This one's a guess. ^_^

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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