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Re: [OT] In defense of Aliens

From: "Eli Arndt" <emu2020@h...>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 03:00:43 PDT
Subject: Re: [OT] In defense of Aliens

Well, rather than reposting everyone else's stuff I'll just give my
As far as I have come to understand, the ship was armed, capable of
something like a Company or something.	It was intentionally undermanned
fascilitate the corporate plan to bring back specimens.  The whole two 
squads (yes there were two squads) were thrown to the wolves fo the sake
weapons developement (an underlying theme in every Aliens plot it seems)
The assault rifles were indeed projectiles 10mm caseless with liek a 12 
gauge-sized grenade launcher.	The big SAWs create a bit of confussion 
however, being built off of German SAWs.  They are supposed to be energy

weapons, which explain why all the gunners had to do is unplug a
coupling to 
disarm.  The problem is that the ammo belts for the real world MGs sho
up in 
some of the shots.

I wouldn't say there's any evidence the Aliens know their ways around
ship.  I always saw it more as the fact that they are just THAT crafty. 
mean, they skulk around, get to know thei environment.

Well, that's it.


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