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[OT] In defense of Aliens

From: Aron_Clark@d...
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 15:51:53 -0700
Subject: [OT] In defense of Aliens

I'll have to say that Aliens is perhaps one of my favorite movies.  In
opinion it is the best portrayal of sci fi combat/soldiers in a film
yet.  Sure
the whole mothering theme was a bit thick, but beyond that a truly
excellent sci
fi film.

> The entire troop compliment went down to planet side with no one on
> ship. This made for getting additional support from the ship difficult
> when the APC bought it.

Small elite unit which is on recon, not search and destroy.  Expects to
friendlies planet side

> The Ship had all sorts of weapons, none were ever used to support
> the op.

I don't recall any mentioned, but let's assume ortillery that could
flatten the small colony outpost.  Who'd call that sort of support on

> The use of just one of the two landers when the ship had the capacity
> more troops to use the additional assault shuttle.

Did the ship have capacity for more troops, seemed at full strength to
me.  The
other attack shuttle seemed to be happen chance or additional support.

> The helter skelterness of the op.

I'd be pretty freaked out to if I ran into an unknown enemy that, that
all my buddies, then inpregnanted  them with baby enemies.

> The dumbass Lt that led the whole op.

Heck sometimes elites get poor leaders

> The act of leaving the entire battle ship when there was a big bug on
> board. Surely there are internal defensive systems that could be

I'd say the ship was a heavy destroyer, cruiser tops.  I don't recall
the ship when the alien was on board.  Flushed out an air lock and then
took cryo naps.

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