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Re: [SG2]matchbox vehicle alert

From: Popeyesays@a...
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 00:40:27 EDT
Subject: Re: [SG2]matchbox vehicle alert

In a message dated 9/23/99 11:31:13 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Abrahms tanks and Hummers). At .99 cents a piece for something that
 >you ten times as much in minature you can't beat it.
 Hmm.. I've yet to see any of them.

I use the Hummers and the Bradleys with 20mm plastics and they work
fine. The 
Ambrams is hopeless physically smaller than the Bradleys, I have bought
pack of vehicles with a tiny Apach helicopter a good Hummber a good
Bradley a 
usable but really a little too large jeep (20 mm) and a non-descript LUV

truck and the useless Abrams for like 3.99 a Wally World. O have used
helicopter as a gargantuan cargo chopper for 6mm, but it is still a
too large.

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