Definitive answer: Re: Resin vehicles - customizing
From: bbrush@r...
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 22:25:52 -0500
Subject: Definitive answer: Re: Resin vehicles - customizing
Ok guys I went ahead and followed my instincts. I fired up the router
and gave it a shot. I must say I'm pleased to report that it did an
job. Took me about 10-15 minutes to hollow out the base of the
dropship, and it
has a nice clean profile that will need minimal sanding. The routing
no cracks or melting, just a large quantity of white resin flakes which
about like soap flakes. I was so proud of it I took it down to the shop
showed it around.
Now that I'm done going nuts about it, any one have any helpful tips on
a nice finish on a resin model?
Thanks for all the help. If anyone wants specifics on what I've done to
poor ship let me know. I hope to have pics up at some point in the
future after
it's done.