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Re: APDs, LSD's and LPAs

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 13:04:12 +1200
Subject: Re: APDs, LSD's and LPAs

Brendan wrote:
> When running conversions, a mass 1 shuttle works out at either size 4
or 5 (depending on what you prefer), so your mass 2 assault landers can
carry 40-50 troops if they have no defences or weapons.

Ryan wrote:
> Size 4 or 5 for DS or FT? According the MT a mass 2 assault lander
> carry 20 foot troops. 1 man = 1cs. 10 CS = 1 mass drop capacity. 

The Pournelle Rosetta Stone may be handy:
> One Full Thrust Point is the equivelent of 50 DirtSide II points and
1 Mass of ship can carry 25 CC of DS stuff.

This seems to offer a better conversion rate that is consistent with FT
fighters and DS aerospace fighters.

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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