Full Thrust "Captain's Check" critical threshold
From: Mike Wikan <MWikan@m...>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:26:06 -0700
Subject: Full Thrust "Captain's Check" critical threshold
I was thinking about something we used to use in our Full Thrust/Star
Whenever a ship makes a threshold check, he makes a seperate "captain's
table" check. If he fails, he rolls on the table. it went something like
1) Warp Core Breach: Ship loses all maneuver power and coasts in a
line for the next turn at present speed. At end of turn, ship's Warp
ruptures explosively causing 3d6 damage -1 per inch from detonation
point to
all ships. Shields subtract one point of damage per level of shields.
2) Structural Collapse: take additional 1d6 points as main support
3) Plasma Coolant leak: Ship may not maneuver at all next round
4) Main Fire Control down: Ship may not fire any weapons next round
5) Warp Field collapse: Ship may not disengage via FTL or, if combat is
FTL, ship is immediately removed form table and counted as destroyed for
Victory point purposes
6) "Scotty, I need warp power or we're all dead!!" Ship may
repair ONE system -or- may reinforce structural integrity field, gaining
back 1d6 damage points. Ship may never get above original hit points..
This, plus "captain's points" which were 1 point per captain to modify a
roll ONCE per game (any roll by anyone) added a very Star Trek feel to