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Re: [Very OT]ADB's new web policies

From: Mike Stanczyk <stanczyk@p...>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:43:17 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: [Very OT]ADB's new web policies

Yet another pardon my density question:
Are you saying that ADB is telling people to remove pictures that
*any* of their miniatures?  So if I take a picture of people playing at
convention with their product they will ask me not to put it up on my


On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Roger Books wrote:

> Scary,  you aren't allowed to put pictures of any ADB logos or
> on your website unless you are an "official" website.  You aren't even
> allowed to have unofficial SSD's of unofficial ships up unless you are
> an "official" site.  What's more, if you are an official site ADB
> rights to everything on the site.  One of the requirements of being an
>  "official" website is not having _any_ links to unofficial sites.
> Roger

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