Re: Spooks in Red Re: Terrain - Chenille?
From: Popeyesays@a...
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:40:55 EDT
Subject: Re: Spooks in Red Re: Terrain - Chenille?
In a message dated 9/14/99 8:43:12 PM Central Daylight Time,
By the way, the Russian for comrade ends in shcha, a diphthong
that has both the sh and ch sound. It'd be 'tovarishch'.
Honest, never worked for CIA or MKVD or... Well, there was...
Just tried to spell it easily. Actually in their alphabet it ends in a
letter that looks like a flat-bottomed "w" with a tail on the right
stands for the sound "shch" like ending in "fresh cheese". Unfortunately
I do
not have cyrillic on my keyboard - it would look bad if the FBI
my computer. And "once upon a time . . . "