Re: FT manoevres and Search for historical presence
From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:31:20 -0500
Subject: Re: FT manoevres and Search for historical presence
Someone (a long time ago) posted some rules on "Emergency Thrust". If
the author is out there, or someone has a copy, could they send me it
off list.
I've missed, or have forgotten to what this refers, Tom. Can you send
me a copy when someone does to you?
Secondly, rolling. Rarely used, but it is (isn't it?) legal in FB/FT?
This allows you to rotate a side whose guns may be hors de combat away
from the enemy and a less damaged side into play. What is the movement
cost of such a manoevre under vector movement? And can it be combined
with pushes and rotations?
We've never used it our group, but it's put under the 'New Fire Arc
Rules' without a 'optional' tag. I'd say it's considered 'legal'. I
just hate it personally. I'm running a campaign, and best be thinking
whether to announce it's acceptance or not in this venue.
Why is it that space battles are always thought of in terms of naval
action and not air force action? (Including me)
They aren't, LOS.
As an aside, and I am aware you didn't include this in your post,
I've heard also the 3D vs. 2D discussion. I disagree with St. Jon about
it's importance to the realitiy of space battles; just is a b***h in a
game system. Here, I think length of sortie is more an issue.
However, the Navy DID get the US military started on modern missles, the
paradigm (Oooo, I love finally having a use for that properly benighted
word) of large crews more closely fits the navy, the AF just doesn't
have the historical perspective, traditions, that the naval
do, and how are you going to beat Horatio Hornblower? ;->=
On the other hand, James Dunnigan has pointed out that the USAF PR
organization blows all other services out-of-the-water. You'd think
they'd have done an equally good job selling to the sci-fi community.