Re: Background? was Re: SGII Newbie Question
From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 19:03:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Background? was Re: SGII Newbie Question
>Also, in general, great books do not necessarily make great
games. I think most
>people would agree that Weber's Honor Harrington series is
a great pseudo-hard
>science fiction series, but if a game was marketed based on
that system how
>playable would it be? The Manties have an advantage on
almost every scale
>except quantity, which the PNS can't bring to bear
effectively due to having to
>police their rear-areas. So you have a game where one side
has better ships,
>better crew, and better weapons. The other side has more
ships. In a one off
>or pickup game the Mantie is almost always going to win
unless there is a fairly
>big quantitative edge given to the PNS.
So design the game that way. Quantity vs quality is always
> Also, you have the problem of who is
>going to _want_ to play the PNS? Playing a repressive,
dictatorial government
>doesn't sell very well in the egalitarian society we
generally enjoy.
You mean I should send back my Avalon Hill Russian Campaign
(Hitler vs Stalin)?
>It may seem odd to some people (myself included) that
people don't want to
>create their own storylines, backgrounds, and history, but
the fact of the
>matter is, they don't.
I think you're overgeneralizing here. _Some_ people don't
want to--so they buy GW. Then there are the GZG listers,
who are busily designing their own planets, star systems,
societies, etc etc. See the GZGPedia for details. St^3 Jon
has provided a framework but it's not really necessary, just
convenient. I grant you, creativity flourishes more within
a framework than without it; and is fostered by discussion.
I don't know that I'd have done all the work I have, if i
didn't expect someone to read it.