Re: Mid-point firing? Re: Random Firing in Phases
From: Tony Francis <tony@g...>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:15:08 +0100
Subject: Re: Mid-point firing? Re: Random Firing in Phases
I'd go for this, but would only allow each _ship_ to fire at either the
mid-point or end. In a decent sized game, that's enough to have to
remember. Trying to note what weapons each ship has fired (and using
which FCs) in each phase would slow things down too much IMHO.
One downside that's just occurred to me - it becomes much harder for
small ships moving very fast to attack capitals. Currently a small ship
moving at (say) 26"-30" can go from being out of range of a class-3 beam
to within range of his own SubM packs in one move without being blown
away. Adopting a fire phase at the turn midpoint means that a class-3 or
even a class-2 could have a pop at him before he can retaliate.
Damn, for a moment it sounded like _such_ a good idea !
Tony wrote:
> Ok, just to turn up the heat on the pot, has anyone tried
> using an option to fire on the mid-point of a turn? I don't
> recall anyone mentioning it before, and I admit remembering
> which weopens have fired, along with making all moves stop
> at the mid-point to allow the option, might well make this
> nightmarishly complicated in a game I continue to call
> elegant, I must admit I'm intrigued.
> I'd allow a ship to fire only once per turn, or perhaps
> once per FC per turn, but that would muddy the waters even
> more.
> Opinions?
> The_Beast