Re: Stellardyne Minis Was: Space Above and Beyond GZG conversions
From: devans@u...
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 08:15:24 -0500
Subject: Re: Stellardyne Minis Was: Space Above and Beyond GZG conversions
i am interested in keith's minis, but i cannot find what
their size is. proportionally, how do they compare to
GZG ships? are they close enough to play with GZG ships?
They're relatively large; more in keeping with B5 Wars sizing;
bulkier. The Ark Royal is something like 3-4" long, almost
square in cross-section. The Bolotho (sp?) maybe 1.5", and
thick compared to GZG figs, not unexpected as they are made
of resin.
I'd say with the right paint job, they could fit as long as
you downplayed the volumn difference.