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Theater High Altitude Defense Systems.

From: "Phillip Pournelle" <emisle@e...>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 20:46:55 -0400
Subject: Theater High Altitude Defense Systems.

    In the past, we've discussed how to integrate Theater High Altitude
Air Defense  systems (THAAD) into DirtSide II.	Of note is how to
combine these effects with the planetary Defense Batteries of Imperium.
    THAADS are a grouped of Air Defense Batteries that use mutual
tracking and mutual support systems to cover a large area of the planet
and prevent high altitude vehicles or space entry vehicles from landing
or attacking in its defense region.
    THAADS are modular in design and degrade gracefully as components
are lost.  Each THAAD module has a weapon element and a tracking
element.  Each element takes up 15 CC of space in a vehicle or facility.
 Each THAAD Module costs 500 points apiece.
    For a single Module the area is defended with a quality die of 1D6. 
For each additional working module (a tracking and a weapon element) the
die shifts up one until there are four.  Any excess modules are
considered redundant.
    ALL Aerospace and VTOL units that enter the board in high mode to
para-jump  units or for orbital insertion are engaged in the same manner
as in the Air Defense portion of DSII.	*** THAAD systems are not
limited in the number of units they may fire upon during a turn but may
only fire on a single unit once in the turn. *** For VTOL and Aerospace
units that wish to land outside the game board area, they still face
dangers.  Use the Inbound Chart from StarGrunt.  The incoming Aerospace
unit may choose which one it starts from, and VTOL come in from beyond
area three.  For each Range Band of the Inbound chart the QD for the
THAAD shifts down by one.  For example, we have three complete modules
for the THAAD on the board giving us a nominal 1D10 on the board. 
Against VTOLS and Aerospace units in region 1 1D8, region 2 1D6 and
region 3 1D4.  All VTOLS may go to low mode to avoid being shot at but
must spend two turn per region to get on the board.  If the VTOLS or
Aerospace decide to drop off units in outer regions they are considered
24 * region in inches away from the edge of the board.	Artillery beyond
region 3 cannot be used in off-board support.
    Infantry and size 1 vehicles drop for orbital insertion use 1D12
instead of a pilots QD for their defense, they do not get ECM benefits.

    THAAD units are expensive and should be defended with LAD systems
for low flyers, etc.  An interesting scenario is to have to fight your
way in to disable the system before your major drop ships can commit. 
Obviously the best way is to bring in some powered armor.

    For those of you purchasing the Planetary Defense Marker in the
Imperium cross over system.  Assume that you have purchased two
Batteries each containing 4 Modules and get to defend two theater areas.
(two cities, etc.)

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