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Re: FT: Nova Cannons and Wave Guns, as plasma torpedoes

From: Donald Hosford <hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 01:32:42 -0400
Subject: Re: FT: Nova Cannons and Wave Guns, as plasma torpedoes wrote:

> I'm trying to convert SFB ships to FT (I have lots of minis) and the
> torpedo firing races pose a problem.	They can fire the torps and
> weapons as well in the same turn in SFB.
> I do not like using missiles as plasma torpedoes as another tried in
> post long ago.  Just doesn't have that feel, besides point defenses
> not work against plasma torpedoes.
> I can see the damage potential of the Nova Cannon and Wave Gun,
> but I do not like the restrictions put on them.  Especially the "no
> weapons can be fired" restriction.  This means, to me at least, that
> the only ships that will carry them are small ships with the weapon
> being the only weapon they have (small as in the smallest hull size
> you can fit the weapon and other necessities such as FC and drives).
> On second thought, for non-cloaking ships (cloaking and Wave Guns
> seem to be a match),
> I can see a larger ship with a spinal and all other weapons that fire
> in any direction but forward (posess a dilemma to an enemy: do I
> to stay in his front arc away from his other weapons but risk being in
> front of the big nasty?).
> The shield restriction is also silly.  Just add lots of armor instead,
> even
> costs less.  But it doesn't fit the genre of Star Trek where everyone
> shields.
> The spinals requires all the power?  I'd build ships that have the
> necessary power.  FT is not an energy allocation game.
> Any other thoughts?
> On another note, I've written an Excel spreadsheet to design ships but
> having trouble coming up with the formulas for determining the
> of the damage control parties in the hull layout.  Anyone kind enough
> let me know those formulas?  Hmmm?  :)
> Glen

Plasma Torps -- How about this:  Assign the torpedo a speed, and number
damage points (based on torpedo size.)	Then remove damage points for
moved, and damage done to the torpedo from weapon fire.  Maneuver it
around the
map like a guided missle.  If it strikes something, apply whatever
points that are left.

Donald Hosford

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