Re: FT: fighter combat, plasma torp as pulse torp
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:55:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: FT: fighter combat, plasma torp as pulse torp
On 26-Aug-99 at 14:46, ( wrote:
> Individual fighter combat in FT? Please, NO! It ruined SFB for me.
> Don't ruin FT for me, also. If such a system sees print in an FT book
> then people will use it, no matter how much I'll argue against it. It
> seems to be the nature of the gaming beast. The squadron concept
> fine (IMHO).
> I've thought about pulse torpedoes as plasma torpedoes, limiting
> the arc to 60 degrees and using about 2-6 PTLs as one plasma torpedo
> launcher depending on the size of the plasma torpedo to fire.
> (small launcher = 2 PTLs, big launcher = 6 PTLs).
> But it just doesn't feel right.
> Any problems with a "narrow salvo" concept, in that you roll one die
> all the PTs classified as one weapon so either the weapon hits and
> all the dice or misses and gets none?
I don't see a problem if it's a concept thing. I would be careful
about doing this in general though. It turns things into a big
crap shoot.
IE, I "narrow salvo" my 16 Class 1s, either I do nothing, 16 or 32+,
normally I would do 12.8 damage. Suddenly, with this opponent, it
will always come down to a 3/6 chance of losing the ship and a 3/6
chance of nothing. I don't like tieing everything to one die roll.