Prev: FT: Nova Cannons and Wave Guns, as plasma torpedoes Next: RE: FT fighter combat (game idea)

3D Avalon

From: Channing Faunce <channing@g...>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:18:25 -0400
Subject: 3D Avalon

Just finished the basic layout for my first 3d model for FT. It can be
found at:

This was made using CorelDREAM 8, which comes packaged with CorelDraw 8.
It is essentially Ray Dream 3D Lite - which is it self essentially Ray
Dream Studio Lite. The really big draw-back to this program is the lack
or boolean operations. Also doesn't seem to be able to export to any
format other than it's own (.D3D). I'll definitely be upgrading the RDS
5.5 in the next 2 weeks. The learning curve isn't too steep, considering
I'm working without a manual of tutorials.

Not sure how much surface detail I'm going to put on it. One thing that
comes to mind is weapon placement for depicting weapon's fire.

Channing C. Faunce

It is Caffeine alone that sets my mind in motion.
It is through the Beans of Java the thought acquire speed,
     that hands acquire shakes,
     that shakes become a warning.
It is Caffeine alone that lets me roll the dice.

Silent Death ships for sale outright or to trade for Full Thrust ships.
See my webpage for specifics.

Prev: FT: Nova Cannons and Wave Guns, as plasma torpedoes Next: RE: FT fighter combat (game idea)