FMA SG2 CC Question
From: "Thomas Barclay" <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 11:35:29 -0400
Subject: FMA SG2 CC Question
Thomas Barclay wrote:
> Scenario:
> Unit (or in FMA) figure fires on another nearby figure (say 8"
> Then says "I combat move up to that figure or unit". Rolls, makes
> They are standing toe to toe. My gut feeling is to resolve a CC,
> this is nasty because
> 1) the attacker only spent 1 action to do it (so it's great
> wise), 2) the attacker didn't test to initiate, the defender to
My decending list of preferences...
1. I say no CC. The guy didn't plan it out ahead. He gets there and
a point blank in the face. Maybe next turn he can get a leader to
him an action. I don't think a firefight a point blank is cheesy. I
friends to whom this has happened to for real. After all firefights
place at 1 or 2 meters just like they do at 50 meters. (remember the
apricot story?)
** Problem is the other unit had already activated - which probably
really means was on his way to that position. So he has no action
left. Let him fire anyway? Makes the defender look like a flying
Wallenda, with two full move actions then a fire action (effectively).
** My problem with a firefight at under 2m (10m in SG2) is that I was
under the impression that in FMA systems that close assault implies
knives, pistols, and in SG2 grenades. So you really are having a close
range FF by running a CC.
2. He can CC after a +2 reaction check but the defender gets a free
reaction fire on him. (maybe no threat check on the defender or an
fora free withdrawl?)
** Even if the defender has activated?
Why penalize the defender for poor planning on the attacker's part?
** Well, I wouldn't really want to, but the defender was (probably if
we look at this as continuous rather than broken up by fake
activations) moving to that positions, and the attacker just moved to
it too.
Here is what I eventually decided made sense:
If you will be moving to within 3" of an enemy squad or figure (6m in
FMA, 30m in SG2), then effectively you will be going for CC. If you
decide to try this kind of a movement on the second half of your turn
after doing something else, I'll let you make an initiation check
normally (your normal roll). When you arrive however, your opponent
will be allowed to attempt to engage you coming in - a free reaction
fire. He'll test as normal reaction fire - Reaction roll at +2. If he
makes it, he'll engage you at point blank range. You'll defend on a d4
(regardless of your movement). If you surive this, then you close
assault. So, if you do this into the face of a prepared defender on
OW, he'll test as normal (no +2), and if you do this in the face of an
unactivated unit, he'll get his normal reaction fire test, plus this
special test. So your odds of making it up to your opponent are pretty
crappy. That should discourage this, but not make it impossible. If
you make it, we fight a normal CC.
Note, in general, if you can't see the close assault coming (it comes
through woods or around a corner), I make you automatically stand for
it - no roll required. Otherwise, after the enemy initiation, you
should test to stand.
Here is another question:
You resolve CC initiation and stand-for-charge depending on odds
ratios. If playing with spotting or double blind, you have no idea how
many guys you are charging. So how do you resolve this? Buddy could
think he's charging one guy, or he could be charging a platoon - he
has no idea. I'd say if you don't have a good idea, test at +3
(simulates the fact uncertainty is worse than knowing in some cases).