[SG2] 15mm figure list
From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 23:45:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [SG2] 15mm figure list
I've finally gotten around to HTMLizing a short rundown of all the 15mm
science fiction manufacturers I know of who're still producing. You can
find the list at:
It's down at the bottom of the page, following a pair of much longer
figure reviews - one of GZG's product & one of Irregular Miniatures'.
All additions, corrections and new information welcomed - I'll get it
HTMLed & posted as soon as I can. I'll also dig up postal addresses or
email addresses for all the companies on the list soon.
This should be useful to all of us who enjoy Stargrunt II in 15mm.
Brian (yh728@victoria.tc.ca)
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