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Re: [FT] SM Magazines

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 08:24:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] SM Magazines

On  5-Aug-99 at 18:52, Jon Davis ( wrote:
> It depends on the amount of damage you have in the first row
> before a threshold check and how quickly an enemy will push 
> you past that damage amount.
> Your ship is a Mass 280 ship.  Have you reduced the hull strength
> from Average to Weak?  Or have you reduced the thrust from 4 to 2?
> You need to do one or the other in order to accommodate the mass 
> requirements of the fighter bays and missile salvo systems.

Fragile, that's why ER SML's.  Did add 7 armour though.  I'm going
with modern US Navy theory.  Once the fighters are off the carrier
has done its job.  If I can keep it alive, and at least one
of the fighter groups will be interceptors and it will have escorts,
that is just a bonus.

Roger Books

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