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Fw: Fw: DSII Questions

From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 07:40:10 -0400
Subject: Fw: Fw: DSII Questions

-----Original Message-----
From: John Atkinson <>
To: Laserlight <>
Date: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 05:36 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: DSII Questions

>--- Laserlight <> wrote:
>> >> 7) Is there any detrement for Engineers being
>> Under Fire while trying to >> clear a mine field, other than the +1
>Reaction > Test for moving?  I'd say
>> >> the test is made for any movement, but I'd think
>> a unit that's been > trained> to work under fire wouldn't need to
>check to move > from a very dangerous
>> >> position (clearing mines in open ground) to a
>> more secure position (under > >> cover of it's vehicles).
>There shouldn't be.
>> >i don't suppose anyone (Laserlight) wants to get Mr
>> Atkinson's opinion on
>> >this matter? :-)
>IMHO, if the hostile fire isn't enough to force a reaction check on
>it's own merits, then the bad guys are slacking.  I'd also mention that
>IMHO any and all units specifically tasked with overwatching an
>obstacle should be permitted to fire at an engineer unit (which counts
>as moving in the open with absolutely no cover, regardless of whether
>or not it looks like there might be cover on the map), not just one. 
>This will help simulate the utter lethality of a breaching operation,
>as well as encouraging all those stupid maneuver commanders to observe
>the fundamentals of breaching--supress, obscure, secure, THEN reduce.
>John M. Atkinson
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