Prev: RE: DSII Force Configuration. Next: Re: M-16 Replacement (yet another Popular Mechanics article)

Re: DSII Force Configuration.

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 21:53:47 +1200
Subject: Re: DSII Force Configuration.

David wrote:
>Does anyone have any opinions on this issue?
	Base it on a theme, eg make your force like Hammer's Slammers,
'mech raiding force, planetary defence force, bug horde or WWII
or WWIII/Modern American.
	Develop a theme and stick to it. It's more interesting than
trying to
develop the ultimate force.

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

Prev: RE: DSII Force Configuration. Next: Re: M-16 Replacement (yet another Popular Mechanics article)