[FT] Ship morale
From: bbrush@r...
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 23:38:30 -0500
Subject: [FT] Ship morale
Having played most of the GZG games (except for Stargrunt which I will
play at
Gen Con), it strikes me odd that Full Thrust is the only one with only a
rudimentary morale system.
Has anyone come up with a morale system where each individual ship has a
Also, in the interest of contributing, I have thought up a morale system
could be used with the existing rules, and which ties in nicely with SG
and DS.
In this system each ship would be assigned a leadership number either 0,
1, or
2. 0 would be the best and 2 would be the worst.
A Leadership check would be taken each time a threshold check is made.
If the
die roll is equal to or greater than the Leadership number then the ship
continue as normal. If the roll is less than the Leadership number then
ship will "bug out" unless command can be re-established. There is a +1
modifier to the roll for each previous threshold check made. So on the
threshold check there is a +2 to the roll. Alternatively the roll could
required to be GREATER than the Leadership which would make it more
likely that
the ship would "Bug Out".
Bugging Out
Bugging out would be defined as either a) applying maximum thrust to
exit the
table or b) jumping out, whichever will be safer.
Re-establishing command (Rally)
To re-establish command the ship would have to make a Leadership roll at
same level it missed PLUS one. This is to simulate their reluctance to
to the fray once they've decided to leave. This test is made at the end
of any
turn that the affected ship is on the table, EXCEPT the turn they lose
cool. This means that the ship will spend at least one turn not doing
what you
want them to do.
Optional rule
The flagship could provide a modifier to a rally check depending upon
flagships own Leadership level. I think a suitable modifier would be +1
each level of Leadership better than the affected ship. (Example: A
with a Leadership of 0 could give a +2 to a ship with a Leadership of 2)
may be too powerful to allow for every ship, so limiting it to one ship
per turn
would fair IMO.
You could also use the confidence levels from SG and DS instead of
making it an
automatic "bug out" but I thought for simplicity's sake this would be
This idea was inspired by David Weber's Honor Harrington series, in
which ship
morale plays an integral role in most battles. In honor of that system
I would
also propose that "Bugging Out" be also referred to as "Pulling a Pavel
Those of you who are familiar with the series will know what that means.
What do you think? (If someone already thought of this, I apologize for
waste of bandwidth)