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Top Ten Reasons to Attend Historicon

From: Michael Sarno <atomicat@g...>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 08:25:40 -0400
Subject: Top Ten Reasons to Attend Historicon

Top Ten Reasons to Attend Historicon in Lancaster, PA July 22-25

10. Only place to find this many "Napoleons" without protective
Plexiglas enclosure.
9. Four day convention means you get to enjoy third-day B.O. 24 hours
8. Poor climate control at Lancaster Host allows realistic settings for
both Eastern Front and North African scenarios.
7. Only location with this much lead that is not a Superfund site.
6. $1.50 for a can of soda at the bar.	$.75 for a can of soda 50 feet
away at the soda machine down the hall.
5. Lax Pennsylvania gun laws mean you can REALLY call for arty.
4. Convention rules allow death penalty for playing anything by Games
3. You can yell, "Where you headin', general?" with no chance of a
serious response.
2. Bad news: Another game convention with lots of fanatics flipping
cards at each other.  Good news: They're playing Piquet.
1. Two Words: Amish Hookers

Copyright 1999 Michael Sarno
All complaints may be officially submitted before my Charlie Company
scenarios in the Distlefink Room, Saturday 10am.
Historicon 99 PEL:
Michael Sarno
Check out my updated Charlie Company web pages!
Info, resources, and links for RAFM's miniatures
skirmish wargame of infantry combat in Vietnam 1965-1972

"No nation should put the burden of war
 on its military forces alone."
 -General William C. Westmoreland,
		  US Army, retired

Prev: Re: FMA: actions & units Next: [FMA] Unofficial suggestions for variant