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Re: M-16 Replacement (yet another Popular Mechanics article)

From: ScottSaylo@a...
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 08:44:08 EDT
Subject: Re: M-16 Replacement (yet another Popular Mechanics article)

In a message dated 7/15/99 10:50:39 PM EST,

	Recent articles say that the US has commited to 4,000 units by
 2006, with an option for another 16,000 or so by 2010 or later.  We'll

That's 45,000 units by 2006. And comparing the cost to a stripped down
isn't realistic. Compare it to the cost of an M-16 optimized with low
vision scopes and grenade launcher where cost of the M-16 immediately
pretty comparable to the projected new weapon. I am a fan of simplicity
weapons. The less there is to go wrong means a simple weapon works more 
dep[endably. BUT some of the features of this new weapon are pretty 

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