Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA range thoughts....
From: "Jerry" <jerrym@c...>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 10:06:48 -0400
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA range thoughts....
>So, opinions anyone? This is the sort of rule where we are going to
have to
>go for an either/or decision, rather than allowing the option of both -
>is too fundamental to the core system. Does this feel better than the
>fixed-range version, and is the extra complication worth it?
>Over to you guys......
>Jon (GZG)
I much prefer the range bands. One of the things I liked most about
was the fact that more experienced troops could perform more effective
at a further distance. I think the second way may SOUND more complex
but I
don't think it is.
Jerry the Slightly Mad....(who was confused why were weren't using range