Re: Marksmanship
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 23:09:08 +0100
Subject: Re: Marksmanship
>On 13-Jul-99 at 11:20, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker (
>> >"I know several guys who can shoot tacks
>> >off of targets at 50m. Hitting a man sized target out to 400m isn't
>> >that hard"
>> >
>> >Yes, but the tacks rarely, if ever, shoot back -- which makes all
>> >difference in the world.
>> Tacks also don't move, nor do they have the annoying habbit of hiding
>> you ;-)
>Tacks are easy, I could (back when I was hunting) have done the 50m
>thing and nobody would have been terribly impressed. The fact that I
>was about 50% on a running squirrel at 15-20meters was impressive, if
>that gives you a shooting indication. 400 meters if they know you are
>there would make it extremely difficult to hit anything even if they
>weren't shooting back.
>Roger Books
Exactly. The short ranges in FMA are quite deliberate, to a) reflect a
of the things that have already been mentioned on this thread and b)
importantly, to make the game WORK. "Realistically" long ranges (ie,
ideal firing range data) are a pain when you are trying to balance a
of skirmish fire-and-movement, so I kept them down to what seemed to fit
the game situation - fast-moving street fights with a lot of stress,
confusion and the bad guys firing back at you. I think I remember
somewhere that most US Police shootouts happen at something like five
metres range or less.
Of course, almost ANY of the weapons in FMA (even some of the pistols!)
theoretically get a bullet from one side of the table to the other, if
a good deal further than that - but this simply doesn't work well as a
Jon (GZG)