Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question
From: Andy Cowell <andy@c...>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 17:45:42 -0400
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question
In message <l03010d18b3ac1bfafbf8@[]>, Ground Zero Games
> >
> >I'd be interested too...
> You should have it in your sweaty palms by now (or at least on the
> hard disk....) <grin>
One thing I thought of-- the rules will wind up on the web in the
online list archive if Jerry isn't not careful.
BTW, I'm guessing the restrictions on this don't preclude me from making
electronic copies available to the members of my playgroup?
Oh, and THANKS JON!!!!!!!! (Woo hoo!!!!!)