Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question...
From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 09:47:32 -0400
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question...
Jon - please count me in as a "go for it"!
I know I can speak for Ken Winland (on the list, but I don't know if
paying attention at the moment) and Dave Graham (not on list, but here
spirit) as a big YES too.
We're demoing GZG games all weekend at Toronto Trek (Canada's big Star
/ Sci Fi convention) - starting tonight, and we'll keep the FMA-Skirmish
stuff under our hat if we see anything on the list. Do you mind us
mentioning it's existence, though? Advance PR?