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Re: URL Change + A Question

From: ScottSaylo@a...
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 16:45:26 EDT
Subject: Re: URL Change + A Question

In a message dated 7/8/99 3:28:18 PM EST,

 Now, a question that some may wish to answer off list.  I have seen
 comments about Games Workshop and their games.  I have never seen any
 their products where I live, but it is clear that a LOT of folk either
 absolutely adore them, or utterly despise them.  Whats the deal?  Just

You will find very few retailers who handle any other gaming products
LIKE GW because of their predatory sell only us or we'll direct sell to
customers! attititude. Other than that, if you like ridiculously
pricing they are great! Honestly, the reason I dislike them is because
destroyed the best RPG magazine from England White Dwarf which used to 
support all gaming systems including COC and RQ. Now its a house organ.

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