Re: balancing Fighters
From: "Voivode Shrike (a.k.a. Ryan)" <voivode@v...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 18:11:12 -0400
Subject: Re: balancing Fighters
----- Original Message -----
> Nothing official, but I did do rules for countermissiles to use with
my HH
> rules. Essentially, you purchased an SML/R with unlimited magazine.
> missile gave you 1 PDS die to allocate to any missiles in range & arc.
> this would work against fighters is another matter, as I had to tweak
> missile rules so the defences weren't too powerful.
I was wondering why you wouldn't just make a note that your PDSs
counter-missiles instead of beam weapons? However I honestly don't know
enough about counter-missiles to say that it works well enough for your
tastes. It just doesn't seem like the above idea was all that
(Please explain if I am missing anything obvious :)
However I am a big fan "new names for new weapons (that act just
other weapons in a game)" so that may be my bias. However, some things,
like the afore-mentioned mecha fighters in another thread seemed to need
different rule, but that may be my anime background speaking.
Voivode Shrike (Ryan Fisk)
"It's not denial. I'm just very
selective about the reality I accept."
(Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson)