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Optional Main Drive Construction Rules

From: Channing Faunce <channing@g...>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 10:10:32 -0400
Subject: Optional Main Drive Construction Rules

I've been playing around with this optional rule for a while. I thought
I saw something similar a week or two ago, but can't find the post. If
I'm stepping on toes, I apologize.

I wanted a way to give a little more flexibility to the Main Drive
construction rules to allow for either high acceleration ships with
limited maneuverability or low acceleration ships with high
maneuverability. They were mainly intended for vector movement, since I
didn't like the FTFB rule on allowing any number of facing change for 1
Thrust point, but did like the EFSB that required 1 point of Maneuvering
thrust for each facing change. I see no reason not to apply them to
Cinematic movement.

Thrust is bought at a cost of 2 points for 5% of ship Mass. The Thrust
bought in this manner is direction specific and must be bought for each
direction that it is to be applied. When buying Port/Starboard Thrust it
is applied as 1 point to Starboard and 1 point to Thrust. You can also
split the 2 points fore/Art to make odd numbered Thrust.

Thus for 30% Mass you could have any of the following:

10 Main Thrust (25%), 1 Thrust Port/Starboard (5%), 0 Retro Thrust - a
setup for fast couriers or bulk carriers that rely on pivoting fully
around to decelerate.
6 Main Thrust (15%), 2 Thrust Port/Starboard (10%), 2 Retro Thrust (5%)
- Standard configuration for warships
2 Main Thrust (5%),  4 Thrust Port /Starboard (20%), 2 Retro Thrust (5%)
- High maneuverability ship

Each direction would have a seperate icon for its Thrust which would
make Threshold checks as normal. These could be the FT icons, 1 per
side; or EFSB style with each icon representing 2 Thrust points.

Channing C. Faunce

Forge World saying: Never underestimate your enemy/food-souce.

Silent Death ships for sale outright or to trade for Full Thrust ships.
See my webpage for specifics.

Prev: Re: balancing Fighters Next: Re: [FT] Fragile Carriers (was Re: Fw: Carriers and other updates)