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Re: "offical" (fleet book) ship designs

From: "Summiting is optional. Descent is mandatory. (E Viesturs)" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 07:29:46 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: "offical" (fleet book) ship designs

>>    Ummm, that's the way it works.  One firecon allows you to fire at
>>one target with some or all weapons; two firecons allow you to split =
>>your fire between two targets or fire all at one, so on and so forth. 
>>In other words, fire controls have NO effect on the number of weapons
>>you can fire; they only affect the number of TARGETS you can shoot
>>   =20
>    Not exactly.  One fire con will allow you to fire all your SML's
and =
>beams at one target.  Torps and needle beams require a separate fire =

Just for clarification: having an active FireCon at all allows you to
SMs; you don't need to target a specific ship since they tend to go for
nearest target, anyway (house rules excepted, of course :).

McCoy: "Angry, Mr Spock? Or frustrated, perhaps?"

Spock: "Such emotions are foreign to me. I am merely testing the
  of the door."

McCoy: "For the 15th time?"
				 - ST:TOS, 'Bread & Circuses'

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