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[FT} RE: PT boats

From: devans@u...
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 14:31:42 -0500
Subject: [FT} RE: PT boats

It doesn't work very well in FB if you pay for the tug (which you have
to do in a campaign), because even the cheapest, slowest, and therefore
most vulnerable tug you can build will cost you more than putting FTL
drives into your combat ships would. In short, you get less bang for
your bucks with a tug/sub-light attack boat combination than you would
with normal ships, provided you want tug capacity for all your
sub-light boats. If you have less tug capacity than you have sub-light
boats you can get more bang for your bucks than standard ships, but you
will be seriously hampered if you want to attack.

However, depending on the campaign, it may be worthwhile to have locally
strong FTL capability for regional attacks, while leaving mostly system
boats in defense most other places.

Moving the tug/tenders while the boats are in place may well work.

Lot's of 'ifs' that aren't arguments against what you've said, Oerjan,
of course.

All the more reason for this being a reason for a one-off thing. Such
as the scenario I mentioned, or small raiding force catching a convoy
of empty tugs.


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