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FMA skirmish, was Re: [SGII] Aliens and Predators in SGII

From: Andy Cowell <andy@c...>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 12:02:23 -0400
Subject: FMA skirmish, was Re: [SGII] Aliens and Predators in SGII

In message <004f01bebe47$90f826d0$>, "Tom
hy" writes:
> Funny, whenever something distinctly individual like a Predator or
> comes to mind, I'm tempted to use a smaller scale skirmish game like
> With No Name, ShockForce, or Necromunda.

I know Jon is playtesting an FMA skirmish game, but I'm tired of
waiting ;) so I dabbled a very little bit late last night with
adapting Necromunda, a game I think has some cool possibilites, into a
more FMA-ish system.  However, none of this is specific to Necromunda
in any way that I see-- it's just ideas on 1:1 scale 25-ish mm FMA.

I thought about adapting the range bands as follows: instead of making
the range bands in equal increments based on die type, I thought about
X/2X/3X...  So, a green individual would have a range band of
0-6"/7-18"/19-36"/etc...  Either that, or using an open-shift with the
normal range bands; e.g., the step after reaching a d12 on the target
die would be to shift your firepower die down one (rather than simply
being unable to hit).  The first method sounds deadly, the second
seems to shorten the realistic ranges-- although I haven't sat down
and checked scales or thought to much about it.

Hmmm...this is starting to get stream of consciousness, sorry, but
what about equal range bands with a range modifier?  Perhaps a bow
would have a range multiplier of .5 (green: 0-3/3-6/6-9...) and a high
powered sniper rifle would have a range multiplier of 3 (green:
0-18/18-36...)	You could junk the range band based on individual
quality altogether, but I have always loved that mechanism.

For CC, since the scale is much more focused on the individual, I
thought about using the same CC rules as SG2, only with the following
modification: if you only beat your opponents roll, he takes a wound,
shifting down his CC die one step per wound (or some other wound
mechanism).  If you more than double his roll, you immediately take
him out regardless of wounds.  Or maybe include some sort of
impact/armor situation with minor/major hit differences.

I also thought about using a more skill based system.  An individual
may be green with ranged weapons, but a veteran in close combat.  You
could create a campaign system to improve specific skills rather than
just general quality (like Necromunda, although I never liked the
pure randomness of their advancement system).

Actions as normal: two actions, may only fire once.

Movement as normal: 6" or 2d6 (I use instead of 2xd6).

Suppression as normal.

What about being in position?  Does that translate to an individual
based game?  I think junk it and use regular cover, or require leader
to take an action to place the individual.  Or maybe just a leadership
or wits or whatever test.

Communication: some mechanism for non-electronic communication, maybe
something distance based liked firing?	Maybe use range bands based on
the target's quality?

I'd love to discuss the possibilities.	Let me know what you think.

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