Re: Unpainted Figures - was: OGRE stuff
From: ScottSaylo@a...
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:41:51 EDT
Subject: Re: Unpainted Figures - was: OGRE stuff
In a message dated 6/17/99 12:23:53 PM EST, writes:
Having been through a lead poisoning episode with my daughter (no it
was NOT
from miniatures). I can assure you that no amount of handling of lead
miniatures will result in lead poisoning. An adult can only get led
poisoning from two sources, inhalation and ingestion. In both cases,
has to be either a lead based compound, lead dust or lead vapor (from
boiling lead). Lead is not absorbed through the skin and can not enter
blood stream from a solid piece of lead. Even if you "chewed" on lead
miniatures an adult would not likely get lead poisoning.
The only danger in having unpainted miniatures is having your opponent
fun of you for not having them painted.
Jerry the Slightly Mad...
Quite right, I have held lead, painted lead pushed lead around with no
problems and I have been doing the above for for almost 40 years. My
Richard Houston of Houston's Ships and Lyzard's Grin miniature has been
carving lead for many more years than that without ever getting a high
titrate and he checks yearly just to be on the safe side. I was speaking
tongue in cheek, from my wife and daughter's points of view. They don;t
understand the wargamer's habit.
As to your last paragraph, the people who game together here in OKC have
fairly rigid rule - no paint no play! Encourages us all to get those new
units properly clothed so they can go on the table and kick the other
butt - like they are supposed to.