Re: Unpainted Figures - was: OGRE stuff
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:48:54 -0400
Subject: Re: Unpainted Figures - was: OGRE stuff
At 02:16 AM 6/15/99 -0500, you wrote:
>John Jeffery Shoemark wrote:
>> We are planning to play in a local multifloor carpark where we know
>> management ( and which has rarely used upper floors). Admiitedly we
>> dreaming about this for several years but Mike's crazy enough to keep
>> pushing towards it. I guess I'd better keep painting. Local legend
has it
>> that I own the world's finest and largest unpainted figure
>> If (or should I say when) we ever get this off the ground we will
>> photos.
>I definitely do NOT (for reasons that might become obvious in the
>want to start a I've got a bigger unpainted/unfinished/still packaged
>collection than the next guy/gal/etc. I was just wondering what people
>consider ridiculous.
My opinions have changed on this lately. Last month, I sat myself down
painted an entire 28mm army -- 70 figures, five vehicles -- in three
start to finish. I followed this up by assebling and painting a dozen
Armorcast ruins in a single week. In both cases, I'd had the items
involved for a loooong time, and just suddenly felt...inspired to paint
them/ Having done this once, I feel confident that I can do it again.
again. And again, assuming that I give the cammo a rest for a while.
made me feel a lot better about my many piles of unpainted metal, resin,
and plastic.
John X Crimmins
" one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information. Don't ever piss one off."
--Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.