Re: An introduction AND EVEN AN ON TOPIC BIT!
From: Alan E and Carmel J Brain <aebrain@d...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:08:01 +1000
Subject: Re: An introduction AND EVEN AN ON TOPIC BIT!
Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Born 1959* (good year that, especially for Cadillacs... ). Interested
> military and SF from as early as I can remember (recall being bought
> 1 of TV21 when I was about four - wish I still had it....)
> Did usual toy soldier things with 54mm and 20mm Airfix figures, mostly
> WWII. Never liked Napoleonics (still don't...<grin>)
> Started "proper" gaming in very early 1970s with the first 1/300
> microarmour (Kirk and Leicester Micro Models, all WWII and so rough
> just wouldn't believe it - but they WERE only 45p for 10 tanks!!).
Ye gods, many similarities. One of the things I really regret is my
parent's throwing away my then-complete mint collection of TV-21 in 1968
when we came to Australia. If they'd only have consulted me as to what I
wanted to keep... Never mind. I had to give away my extensive Hornby
Dublo set as well. Having seen the prices for some of this, it would be
nice to have had a few hundred thou as a nest egg.
The first micro-armour I acquired were some 40mm guns on Quads. The
first microarmour was rough, really rough. If you looked at the
blob-with-a-piece-of-wire-in-it and squinted, and the light was bad, you
might have thought it vaguely vehicle shaped, maybe.
Then I saw some GHQ.
-- <> <> How doth the little Crocodile
| Alan & Carmel Brain| xxxxx Improve his shining tail?
| Canberra Australia | xxxxxHxHxxxxxx _MMMMMMMMM_MMMMMMMMM o O*OO^^^^OO*O o oo oo oo oo
By pulling MAERKLIN Wagons, in 1/220 Scale