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FT weapon templates

From: Glen Bailey <Glen.Bailey@s...>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:04:40 -0400
Subject: FT weapon templates

> Ug.  Am I the only one that dislikes the template concept?

No, but... do you like a mass-6, 1-arc weapon which hits
*automatically* for up to 18 points? Given the hints in the
description, those two seem to be the alternatives here :-/

Oerjan Ohlson

I didn't say I did like it.  I'd prefer a die roll of some
kind.  I just don't have any suggestions.  I'll think of 
one... mmmm...(now where's that magic hat?)

How about it hits on a 5 or more at any range?

As to templates, why not use this type of rule instead
for any "area" weapon:
If it hits then all other objects within 3 inches 
of the target takes one half damage, those within
6 inches takens 1/4 damage.

I'd prefer not to have damage in following rounds
as this adds extra bookkeeping or markers (or
reliance on sometimes faulty memory).


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