Re: 40K to SG2
From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson@q...>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 07:39:51 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: 40K to SG2
At 10:18 AM 5/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I've tried a few of these conversions. Some observations:
>1) Try to draw straight line parallels.
> Assume Stargrunt troops are roughly equivalent to Imperial Guard
(IG are
>regulars with basic battle dress and FP2 AP D8 rifles).
> Make Space Marines wear light slow power armour, and Termnators wear
>heavy slow power armour. Make jump packs fast power armour. Marines
>definitely veterans to the IG regulars.
Huge problem here. If you make regular Marines as Light, slow powered
armour then they become ABSOLUTE monsters in close combat. And I mean
monsters. Remember that in Close Assault, if one models is in Powered
Armour and the other isn't, then the PA model gets to DOUBLE its close
assault roll. That makes PA troopers quite nasty.
> Make vehicles like dreadnoughts, as vehicles.
>2) Change the psychology. Stargrunt is a game decided by its model of
>psychology on the battlefield. Space Marines don't have that same
>psychology. They aren't pinned, they don't use cover, they are easy to
>They don't carry wounded, nor do losses particularly phase them. Play
>around with this.
Makes sense. Make the Marines more like the psychotic crazies they are
supposed to be.
But the idea of the Human Psychology in SGII is what makes the game so
great for me. Its so reassuring to see a squad panic (whether yours or
enemy) because "...they just capped Jones, man! S#*t! What are we
do now!?!" and not just tip the mini over and carry on.
>Marines also don't have the same command structure; definitely limit
who can
>transfer actions or you'll have too many chiefs and hyperactive
>Maybe no communications; must be within 6".
Or simply allow only the designated commander on the battlefield (In
cases, the SM captain) to tranfer actions. That will ceratinly cut back
the amount of action-transferral.
>3) Looks for the loopholes and try to reasonably plug them. Marines,
>example, have no dedicated anti-air weapons or guided missiles in 40K.
>SG2 rules, they can't hit or target any airborne vehicle. In 40K, they
>Either say they have targeters in their PA to track air targets, or
>a few guided missiles in their normal missile launcher kit.
Just give them the option of using Ground-to-Air missiles for missile
"Of course I'm paranoid!
Everyone's trying to kill me."