Re: Nannite Torpedo
From: Donald Hosford <hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 09:50:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Nannite Torpedo wrote:
> ***
> Michael Brown <> wrote:
> > I think nannites fall in to the same category as time machines and
> teleportation; once discovered would get rapidly and wildly out of
> Think of a biological virus - it's a nano-machine designoid
produced by
> evolutionary processes. See:
> ***
> And people call me wacko...
> Ok, nano-tech is much closer than time travel or teleporting, tho'
less than
> you seem to think, IMHO, but that wasn't the point. The point was that
> invoked on the battlefield, it becomes FM, and people seem to claim it
> do anything.
> What they keep failing to mention is, if it can do that, it can be
used as
> a counter-measure.
> Simply put, if one side has a nano advantage, the battle is already
> game is uninteresting. If nano-tech is balanced, it cancels out, and
> no effect on the game. Sort of like stealth. Or Psi.
> Unless VERY small advantage,that is; those can be used, but generally
> pretty silly to me.
> The_Beast
To me, the best uses of Nano-Tech on the battlefield, would be as
limited repair
devices. Maybe you could keep them in a magnetic cage, with a limited
supply of
energy. Really big ones could be constructed to repair vehicals, ect.
Donald Hosford