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RE: [CON] Date change for GZG-ECC III - March 24-26, 2000

From: "Buddy Chamberlain" <buddy@m...>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:28:56 -0400
Subject: RE: [CON] Date change for GZG-ECC III - March 24-26, 2000

What is this web page?	And will GeoHex be at this Con?

- Buddy

 -----Original Message-----
From:	owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
On Behalf Of Jon Davis
Sent:	Tuesday, April 27, 1999 8:56 PM
To:	GZG List; Al Muller; Andrew Damon; Jon Tuffley; Mark Kochte;
Teske; Stuart Murray; Thomas Barclay; Tom McCarthy; Jim Bell; Jason
Jon Davis; Gil Haun; Jerry Han; David Luff; Allan Goodall; Los; Aaron
Newman; Rick Rutherford; Kurt Wasserman; KR; Izenberg, Noam; Faron;
Gordon; JP Fiset; Keith Watt; Michael Sarno; Pat Muller; Peter Forsythe;
Steve Andersen; Nick Caldwell; Andrew Presby; Brian Bell
Subject:	[CON] Date change for GZG-ECC III - March 24-26, 2000

After feedback from convention attendees, we will be moving
the date for the next GZG - East Coast Convention to March
24 - 26, 2000 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

I will sign a contract with the Hotel Brunswick this week
committing to these dates.  We will also be using the Army
Center room at the hotel which is 60' x 100' to accommodate
more attendees and vendors.

Jerry will keep the web page up to date for the convention
and any other news will be posted to the list.

We hope to see you in March!

Jon Davis

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