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RE: [FT] Sensor Range Question

From: Nathan Pettigrew <nathanp@M...>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 09:24:39 -0700
Subject: RE: [FT] Sensor Range Question

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Anderson
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 9:35 AM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Re: [FT] Sensor Range Question
> FT/MT really has two layers of sensors; it has long-range and 
> short-range.
> short range sensors are our friends the active and passive 
> scanners, which
> can be used on ships on the table to identify them, etc.
> long range sensors are the things which tell you there is 
> even something
> there to scan.
> thus, when you start out and there are only bogey markters on 
> the table,
> your long-range sensors have done their job and figured out 
> that there are
> enemy ships out there, and got their position and velocity. 
> they have also
> probably got some ghosts, drones, etc.
> when you get a bit closer and start pinging away with active 
> scanners, and
> looking out with passives, then those are your short-range 
> high-resolution
> instruments: their job is to gather detailed information on 
> the target.

You've summed it up very well, I think.  The rub is to abstract this
into an
easy to use, but reasonably realistic sensor rules.

Some aspects to capture:
* long range jump detection (measured in AU?)
"Sir, four ships have jumped in system outside the designated
civilian/merchant jump zone.  Should we send a sortie to investigate?"

* long range plot (500MU-1k MU?)
"Sir, the four bogeys have just come into max sensor range.  They are on
course 136, speed 40MU/turn and accelerating."

* mid range plot (100MU-500MU?)
"Sir, Bogey Alpha is 160 MASS, Baker is 80 MASS, Charlie and Delta are
MASS each.  Emissions indicate they are most likely FSE.

* combat range (0-100MU?)
"Sir, Captain Bridgeworth's task force has engaged the enemy.  I confirm
that Alpha is a Bonaparte, most likely VFE Ceasar.  Baker is a Jerez,
likely VFE Cadiz with that quirky ZC-1800 drive.  Charlie and Delta
to be 2 Triestes.  Their signatures are not in our database at this

Throw in some ECM/cloaking and drones/weasels and you're in business.

Or something like that.


> that's basically what i am saying too.
> Tom


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