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Attack of the Teenage Mutant Governments

From: CGS <admin@c...>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 09:03:27 +0100
Subject: Attack of the Teenage Mutant Governments

I have to agree with the nay sayers.
I think the newsgroup imvolvement in the history is a good thing but
there seems to be a proliferation or more and more unlikely 'new'
governments, each more unlikely than the last. I have a softspot for the
CSA and Byzantium but never, ever for Full Thrust - The CSA is at best
going to be one old ship full of nutters who have seen Gone With the
Wind once too often. And as for the more bizzare ideas...

Of course once you buy it it is your game and never would I suggest NOT
posting, I still like to see the material and I have learned from it,
but it sometimes seems a little crazy (sorry but the recent Achmaenid
and American suggestions got to me).

As to Japan, I would love to see it fleshed out, but I am too lazy and
unimaginative to do it myself.
For ship names somewhere on the internet is a list of them and what they
mean (eg. BBs named after proviences I think). I used to have a copy but
a good start would be the wondeful Imperial Japanese Navy Page at
I still think the pagoda look would work for the ships, I would try
building one myself but I am up to my neck in halberders (for Warhammer,
not Neu Helvetica).

Ducking for cover,

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