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"Official B5 specifications?" [was: TBP B5 Olympus Class Corvette - Confused...]

From: "Mycenius" <mycenius@i...>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 13:37:35 +1200
Subject: "Official B5 specifications?" [was: TBP B5 Olympus Class Corvette - Confused...]

Hi all,

>I actually wouldn't read TOO much into the "WB stamp of approval" -
>B5W AND the EFSB are "approved" by WB, yet the ship specs are
>different in many cases (they took their best guess, we took ours!).

Right - Let me get things inperspective and say that I'm not some freak
obsessed with having "official" specs all the time... 8-)  But if there
a set of supposedly sanctioned ship plans and stuff, I'd be keen to get

>Whether JMS ever sees any of this stuff personally I don't know, but I
>suspect that WB pretty much rubber-stamp this kind of thing, perhaps
>because they don't really understand gaming..... :-/

This is where I was coming from - I would have assumed JMS would of had
draft notes and ideas on the various space fleets and the vessels that
appeared on the show, and I would have thought these would have been
used to
create the initial stuff. Crusade and such would have added a few more,
presumably someone, like B5W or TBP would fill in the gaps... But as you
suspect WB probably haven't got a clue anyway!

Anyway our group has a couple of guy's with genuine FT fleets (1 NAC & 1
ESU), me with B5 (EF and Minbari), another B5 guy and about 4 more B5
who'll get into it once they see a game in progress at our club! We've
messed around with the 2 FT fleets but haven't done the 'crossover'

Has anyone played FT vs B5 Fleets? We are gonna use the FTFB rules
(obviously) and at present Richard Bax's B5 ship data, although I've
some more elsewhere, and of course I'm keen to see Michael Llaneza
too! The FT version in EFSB emphasises fighters (for movement at least),
FTFB is other way around - anyone see this as a problem...

Any comments appreciated...



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 - Napoleon

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John Moher, Auckland, New Zealand.

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