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Re: (FT) Meson battery, armor-penetration missiles

From: Glen Bailey <Glen.Bailey@s...>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 07:36:06 -0400
Subject: Re: (FT) Meson battery, armor-penetration missiles

> > I was thinking of adding a Meson battery as another weapon: size of
> > class 3 (A) but damage as class 2 (B) and it ignores armor.  This a
> fair
> > weapon?
> Should be reasonably OK. Maybe a bit weak, but at least that's better
> than too powerful :-/

That's what I figured.	The Meson Gun comes from Traveller
and is a short ranged weapon.  Maybe have it do 3D6 from
0-12" and 1D6 from 13-24"?

But then I thought about it some more and having Meson
batteries would mean you want all Meson batteries.  Any
other weapon system will still have to go through armor.
But this might add "flavor" for another race that uses
mesons instead of "lasers" (or whatever the "humans" use
as the beam weapons).  A small Meson battery (marked with
a little "m") would be the same as the class 1 (C) in
mass, points, and damage (and ignores armor).

How about armor-penetration missiles?  The first point
of damage from a missile hits armor, the rest goes against
hull?  If a missile only does 1 point of damage then all
it does is damage to armor.  These probably should take
up 50% more mass than a regular missile.

Not that I'm anti-armor, but looking for a few more
options in ship design.  After designing Traveller
ships with all of its options I find desiging FT
ships to be a little lacking.  

Re: FTLing damage
I would houserule against such, and will in my campaign.


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