Re: [OT] Noble Armada?
From: devans@u...
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 10:13:43 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Noble Armada?
Seen, played, and owned.
However, only time I played was at GenCon. I found the
mechanics counter-intuitive, but that was a single play,
and the designer/demo-presenter admitted he was nursing
a nasty hangover combined with lack of sleep. ;->=
Also, I've never felt comfortable with FTFB's vector system,
so add that to YMMV.
Hex-based, with 20-sided die used for both rolling attacks
and marking ships' velocity.
The figs are the new Silent Death silver-coloured plastic,
but obviously a smaller scale, maybe SD-escort compatible.
One thing to remember is it is associated with the RPG
Fading Suns, and has rules for boarding that are fairly
important to the play.
It's sitting in the pile of 'must get back and try again'
pile. I'll dig it out and bash a description of the play
I had difficulty working out, unless someone else comes
along and steals my thunder, which I won't mind a bit.
Preferably by a proponent. I could stand to learn from a
positive review.