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[SG2]: GSM/P Question - Mr. Tuffley ????

From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 09:44:33 -0400
Subject: [SG2]: GSM/P Question - Mr. Tuffley ????

>Just look under "Heavy Weapons against dispersed targets", can't
>remember the page, but it's in the vehicles section of SG.  All heavy
>weapons fired against infantry (including GMS systems) use d8 impact
>regardless of actual damage potential.  It makes it ineffecient when
>firing a GMS/L at the mongrels, but you have to take what you can

I thought so too - and my group has been playing it that way.  But if
read that section of the rules carefully, it actually says "direct fire"
heavy weapons like tank guns firing explosive shells (I don't have my
of the rules here at work, but when I read it again over the weekend, I
thought the wording of that passage clearly excluded guided weapons like
missiles).  It probably doesn't make too much difference, and this is as
simple a mechanism as any, except that it means a GMS/P used against
infantry would have less effect than a IAVR used against infantry, which
doesn't make sense.  There's no difference between the two in their
vs. armoured vehicles, so the warhead is the same.  The GMS/P has much
longer range and better guidance, but the same physical damage potential
why would it do less damage than an IAVR at the same ranges to the same

Besides which, the original question to the list wasn't about the IMPACT
a GMS/P hitting infantry, but about the FIREPOWER.  As you know, you
roll a
firepower die and quality die for a "normal weapon" like a SAW vs. the
range die of the target.  But a GMS/P rolls quality and guidance vs. ECM
which troops normally don't carry.  You use a d4 for "none" for vehicles
that don't have ECM, but that assumes you are firing on a vehicle size
target.  How resolve this vs. infantry?  Some respondants said "you just
can't take the shot" but I don't think that makes sense.  Of course you
fire a GMS/P vs. dispursed infantry - it just shouldn't do too much
unless it hits a single trooper, in which case he's obliterated.  I was
trying to suggest that it should work at least as effectively as an
Maybe Firepower of at least d8, and the target uses range die as normal,
something like that - I suggested using rangebands of 12" like a sniper
because of the better sighting systems and guidance of a GMS/P over an

Though the rules are generally excellent, they are a little bit hazy on
this one.  Maybe Jon can leap in here with an "offical" rules

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Adrian Johnson []
>Sent:	Sunday, April 04, 1999 3:18 PM
>To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
>Subject:	RE: [SG2]: GSM/P Question
>>From a "rules" point of view, look at page 40 of the SG2 rulebook.
>Under "guided missile fire" it says that the GMS/P can't add in to
>small-arms fire resolution (unlike a buzz-bomb).  It doesn't say that
>can't fire at infantry, just that you must fire the GMS/P as a separate
>fire action.
>If you can do damage to infantry with an IAVR (firepower d10, impact
>according to chart on page 34, though the text on page 40 says it has
>firepower d8) shouldn't you be able to do damage to infantry with a
>The only real difference between the two is in size of rocket motor and
>guidance package. The warheads are the same (d12, d12x2 for major hit).

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