Re: [OT] BFG Questions ? -Reply
From: Thomas Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 23:52:42 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [OT] BFG Questions ? -Reply
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999 CLL@LGC.CO.UK wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> > On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 CLL@LGC.CO.UK wrote:
> >> I've got the Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook in front of me, anyone
> anything they want to know ?
> > yah! what i've been wondering is this: are there any features
> BFG has but which FT/MT/FB doesn't?
> How about rules for gravity wells? The BFG stuff in the latest WD,
> including a replay, seems to indicate that slingshot manoeuvres are
> only possible but important.
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> No slingshots as such, but you can turn faster in a gravity well if
you wish.
> Most of these ships turn worse than a thing that doesn't turn very
well at all,
> and they need all the help they can get.
i would have thought gravity would be pretty simple to add to vector
movement: at the end of a ship's movement, apply an extra acceleration
vector based on the local gravity. say it's equal to thrust four out to
6", two out to 12" and one out to 24". this is totally unlike real
fields, of course, but what the hey, it's a game. it would be more like
out to 6", 8 out to 12" and 1 out to 24", but that's not very much fun.
the vector would be applied towards the massive object. varying the size
of the object would vary the size of the pull or the size of the
as for cinematic - welll, if they've got magic drives, they can ignore
and as for actual slingshots, my celestial mechanics isn't really up to
speed there. all i know is that the slingshot ship goes faster, and the
thing you're slingshotting past goes slower. i had a gravity simulating
program once with a slingshot setup; the planet that was slingshotted
crashed into the star once it was used :-). i've tried this on on the
anderson-shimmin new scientist gravity simulator, but i can't get it to